Best SEO Tips And Tricks To Rank Higher In SERP

If you intend to enjoy success online, you require to employ powerful SEO strategies. The focus of SEO is to put your website in front of more people in the search engine result pages. The closer you are to the first ten results of any search term, the higher the traffic you can attract.

Best SEO Tips & Tricks to Boost Rankings in 2020

1. Change Your URL Structure: If your blog URL is such that the date of the post is highlighted, you require to ensure that the URL structure reflects any future updates. This is the only way your updates can get picked up by Google while the overall content remains relevant. Some people elect to hide the date of posts to keep them evergreen.This may be counterproductive as both the web users and Google love to know if a post is current and relevant today. If there are similar posts to yours with a recent date highlighted, they will most likely rank higher.

2. Optimize for Mobile: Google loves Web Sites that are optimized for mobile because half the users on the web at any given time are on mobile. If your website is not mobile-optimized, you are alienating half the web population and perpetuating a poor experience for Google users. The search engine giant already runs a mobile-first strategy. Go over the design of your website and ensure that your website is super-fast and responsive on mobile. Go with best Web Design and Development Agency in Mumbai.

3. Create a Blog: 77% of Internet users read website blogs regularly. If you own a business website, you must think how to start a blog that allows you to connect better with your target audience. That is not possible with other channels like social media. By providing relevant, fresh and updated content on a blog, you can give your target audience all the information they require about your brand and comprehensively solve any problems they have. High-quality blog posts also get noticed by the search engines, especially when they are shared or linked to by other people. This can help you reach even more people.

4. Target Keywords: Having a good understanding of your target keywords is the perfect foundation of your SEO campaigns. These keywords are terms related to your business. Go with the best SEO Agency in Mumbai.

5. Depth Content Optimization: Longer posts rank higher on Google, and for logical reasons. Quality in-depth pieces generally contain all the information on a subject matter or come pretty close.  It is not a surprise, therefore, that the top-ranking pages on Google for many search terms have an average of 1,890 words. Google loves it when users can get all the answers they require from a single page.

6. Optimize Your Images: Your SEO campaign shouldn’t ignore images.  Ensure that all your images are correctly optimized to reflect the content of the page.  This increases the chances of the image ranking in search and bringing more traffic to the post.

7. Snippets Position: If you run a question-based search on Google right now, there is a high chance that the first thing you’ll see, is a featured answer in a box that comes before the other search results.  You can try it with “web design topics” right now. That box and the content in it is a featured snippet.

8. Optimize Your Titles Tag: The headings in your posts are not just there to break up the content. They can improve your rankings.

9. Write Meta Descriptions: A meta description is a summary of the content on a page. You can see it under the link to a page in Google search results. Although meta descriptions are not analyzed when calculating the rank of a website, they affect a website’s click-through rates. Interestingly, CTR is a ranking factor. You can write your meta descriptions before publishing a post. Go with the best Digital Marketing Company in Mumbai.

10. Internal Linking: Google understands a website by using bots to analyze a homepage and then gradually move to other links connected to it. So, the homepage shares its link juice with the other pages on the website and allows Google to discover new pages faster. This is why you should interlink posts on your website. Adding a link to an old post in a new one not helps readers to discover more content on your site but also makes it easy for Google to crawl your new content quickly.

11. Incorporate Outbound Links: When writing a post, include links to other websites that can improve the reading experience and validate some of the points you have made. Google likes it when you are linking to high-value resources as it shows you are looking to help the reader even further.  However, it is important to ensure that you are linking out to sites that are relevant to your post. Google penalizes websites that engage in commercial or inorganic link-building go with the best SEO Company in Mumbai.


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